tour the zoo….

Welcome to Lauraszoo.  I am Laura the head zoo keeper.  All of these fine specimens have been carefully selected to insure the harmony and productivity of the zoo.

The first animals we have for exhibit are the primates.  This is Thing 1 and Thing 2 respectivly.  We have managed to keep these monkeys alive and somewhat unharmed for (thing 1) for 13 years and (thing 2) for 12 years.  Aren’t they just adorable.  But please do not stick your fingers in the pen, they do bite.  Also please shield the ears of young children, Thing 1 and Thing 2 both have filthy vocabularies.

benzooanimal1.jpg  joezooanimal.jpg

Moving past the monkeys….

Oh, look here comes the baby lion.  We have had this lion cub for 8 years (although the cub thinks she is turning 13 soon)  We named her Roo because when she was just tiny she couldn’t roar very loudly and it sounded just like “ROO” Now, however she roars louder then any other animal I have ever heard, and she roars for no apparent reason.  She’s an interesting creature.  Watch out though, she may look so sweet and innocent now, but her moods change in an instant.  When they do, she’ll eat you alive.


If you look carefully over this way you’ll see our very special bear.  There isn’t another bear anywhere in the world like our Mo.  We have had him for 5 years.  He is incredibly cuddly and almost tame.  I did say almost because sometimes he has a bad day, and on those days we all need to watch out, he growls and claws and is very dangerous.  Today tho, he is having a good day, look at that sweet smile.


As we reach the end of the trail I want you to look quickly to the left.  Wait she’s not there.  Umm.. Oh, there she is.  Look near the fence.  That sweet little Parrot is named Woo.  Like most parrots they can be your best friend…sometimes…  And like most Parrots they can never be totally tamed.  They screech and holler, they make huge messes, but they are so so loveable, and beautiful.  She is worth all of the trouble she has caused in the last 3 years.


11 responses to “tour the zoo….

  1. Hi Laura, came over from Tertia’s site. Your children are so beautiful and it looks like the space they are growing up in is one where healing angels live. I’m sorry for your family’s loss. Sending you prayers from South Africa x

  2. Hi Laura, I finally found your blog…the one I’ve been hearing so much about! And it is so inspiring, you and a woman and as a mother are very inspiring.

    Yourself and your 5 beautiful children, (or shall i call them monkies, lions, bears and parrots) have suffered a tremendous loss but you guys will make it through. There are going to be so many times when there are dark clouds but with each other those clouds will pass.

    As I sure you are aware, I lost my father almost a year ago to dreaded cancer. Now my father was 55 and much older than Jeff but i’ll tell you something. Although i still have a really hard time to this day, (i cry at the smallest things)…but….lately i’ve been finding myself thinking about his jokes he used to tell and I start laughing and say to myself…silly dad. One day you will be able to do that too and honestly, its a whole different feeling…i guess its the feeling they call acceptance, accepting what has happened. At the same time that i feel sad i also feel happy to have remembered that moment…hard to explain i guess.

    Anyhow, i just wanted to express my sympathies to you and your family once again. If there is ever anything you need I am more than willing to help out.

    Lots of Love and hugs
    Kim (Ashtonsmom)

  3. hello laura,
    i popped over here from the bloggess’ site whom i found yesterday.
    i’m kate in new zealand (at the bottom of the globe lol) and i have five kiddos too.
    i have sobbed my way through your blog and… what to say?… i am sending you huge huge love.
    my lovely daughter (yep, i have four gorgeous boys) answers to the nickname *roo* too (and woozie)
    i wish jeff was still with you in body too.
    you are doing so well babe, you are surviving X

  4. BEAUTIFUL children!

  5. This is one of the best “about me” pages I’ve seen in a long time. I think your blog is great!

  6. Beautiful “animals” in your zoo. Between my husband and I we have nine! Nine animals and three grand animals. It’s a busy life…good…but busy. I am enjoying reading about your life and I admire your courage!

  7. Caroline Jefferson

    I see your picture and often wonder how you and the children are doing, and remember to look at this sight. I am amazed on what a sincere, strong, beautiful person you are. When my day isn’t going so great, and happen to go see what you’ve written, you’ve no idea how it helps me! Thank you for being there for all of us even when you’re not aware. I love how your sense of humor is so great and truthful. You are doing such a great job!

  8. Dear Laura;

    Your family and your blog touches my heart so much. I don’t comment very often but I sure do think about the five children and yourself.

    None of us has the answers as to why bad things happen to good people. The loss of your children’s father and your husband is tragic. When I think about you and your family, I send good thoughts and prayers that you are having a good day.



  9. Hey Laura,

    I was curious what it would take to get a two-word text link on your blog saying something like “Wedding Rings” or “Tungsten Rings” with a hyperlink to our site ( We are a relatively new company and we are currently trying to improve our page ranking on Google. We would really appreciate any help you can give us. Let me know if this would be something you would be interested in. Thanks in advance for any help you can give us.
    Thanks again,
    Superior Wedding Rings

  10. Hey Laura!

    Our mutual friend (TC) let me know about this site and what has been happening in your life.

    It is fun to see the pics of the kids. I still think of them as little! It’s fun to see how they have changed…

    How are you doing?

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