Daily Archives: February 11, 2008

When the cat is away….

 I figured out one of the reasons I’ve been so down lately.  It’s because I’m sick, like with a cold, not like in the head.  After spending most of the weekend and a large chunk of today in bed, I am feeling a bit better.  Or I was… until I woke up to this:


After deciding whether to yell at him, or laugh at him, I just went back to bed.  The next time I crawled out of my cave, I was greeted buy this:


I told her we would have to pick it up:


“No, No, No.  It’s mine, you can’t frow it away”  I went back to bed, somethings are just not worth arguing about.


“Sally, whatcha doin’?”  “Nuff’in, I not doing Nuff’in”  “Okay, behave”

 It’s hard work being naughty all day.  By the way…That is CLEAN laundy.


Thank you soo much Jenny (http://thebloggess.com/)  It’s beautiful.  I wuv it!  You really do ROCK!