Weekend fun (or something)

Now I understand why no one wants to hang out with me, because it’s no fun to hang out with sad people.  It makes you sad, and that’s like self-inflicted torture.  Who wants to be first in line for that?  So, all my dear friends who have been avoiding me, I forgive you.   

On to the in-laws.  They are nice people.  Jeff is/was just like his parents.  And I am exactly the opposite of Jeff (opposites do attract).  So you can see, we have our differences.  They love the kids like crazy, but no matter how much you love them, 5 kids, all of them at once is a wee bit overwhelming, for anyone.  Especially for two people who have lived kid-less for years (and have a really clean house).  They handle all of us as well as possible, but I think everyone gets a bit stressed. 

We had a belated Christmas dinner (that would be one of the first times my kids have had “real” food in months), the munchkins got gifts, and I got to sleep.  What more could you ask for?  Apparently though, my kids are getting skinny and I need to start feeding them.  They were complaining to grandma that they never got fed at home, traitors!  I even made sure to cook on Friday, just in case someone asked them.  Brats!  All in all it was an okay weekend, it was sad, to see his parents so sad, and to see his sister cry, thank goodness for Zoloft, or I would have been a wreck.   

On a happier note:  In addition to all the “oh, you look like shit” comments, I received a couple of “your nothing but skin and bones” comments and one marvelous “wow, have you been working out?”  “why yes, I spend about 45 mins a day splitting wood for the wood stove”  so now I look like a shitty, skin and bones LUMBERJACK!  Just what I’d always hoped for!  Thanks so much. 

At least in my dreams Jeff still thinks I’m hot.  Gosh, I miss him! 

3 responses to “Weekend fun (or something)

  1. Life is far from pleasant at the moment I’m certain, but God bless, I love your sense of humor through it all.

  2. Where are you located Sweetie? I’d love to bring you all a hot meal or at least send over a care package. You shouldn’t have to worry about that stuff right now.

    Do you like coffee? I own a kick-ass coffee shop. Tell me what you like.

  3. Hi to you, a friend of mine sent me the link to your blog, I have spent the last two days reading your blog and crying for you, your children, myself and my children. You see, my husband was killed in a one vehicle car wreck on January 30, 2008, four months, one week, and five days. I do not have small children, mine are grown and my daughter got married two weeks after her daddy was killed. I do not even remember much of that day or the days prior to that one. The way you found out was horrible and I grieve that you found out that your husband was in a wreck on a slick road with a car load of his babies. I do not know how old you are, but I am 42 and my husband would have been 46 on Feb 2nd. Just know that you are not alone, I share the same pain and I want my husband back to, I miss his smile and his eyes, his arms around me and the way he would pray for me at the drop of a hat. I grieve with you.


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