Daily Archives: January 18, 2008


I woke up this morning an dthought to my self “Oh No, today is going to be a crappy day”I was thinking that for a number of reasons:  it’s like a blizzard outside, so I was not taking the monsters to school and I figured they’d be so mad.  And.  I didn’t sleep well last night because I had two kids plus a damn cat in my bed with me.  And.   The main reason,  I had a dream about Jeff, I know all of you are thinking awe.. for sweet, but it’s not.  He always tells me what to do (kinda like he did when he was alive)  It ticks me off.  So then in the dream we stand there and “disagree” on what i should be doing, and “discuss” what i am doing wrong (he does this in the nicest way possible) for almost the whole dream.  Until the end when he hugs me and kisses me and tries to grap my ass, and then we both leave the dream feeling happy.  Until I wake up and think “what a brat, he’s not hear to help me but he still wants things doen his way”  Which is exactly like real life, so I focus on the positive (and that fact that he still wants to grab my ass) and carry on.  Some days I try and do what he tells me to and other days I say “neener, neener, neener, you can’t make me”  But today I will have a good day:

The kids are not mad at me for skipping school, in fact they are happy because all their friends are home too, thank goodness for the internet.  The little kids have been playing with the guinea pigs all morning.  They are teaching then how to go up and down the stairs and how to have babies (don’t ask), they are having fun.

I can live with out sleep, really “Yawn”

And just for the fun of it, I’ll try and clean up the kitchen, like Jeff suggested.  *sticking out my tongue at him*
