I made a difference in someones day

I was brave and picked up the accident report today.  I was very stupid, I can’t believe I paid $40 for a stupid piece of paper without anything interestin on it… Oh Well.  I am still going to work on getting the full report. 

I was looking at the report and it had the other driver’s name address and phone number on it.  So much for privacy.  I could even send them a birthday card if I wanted.  Anyways…  after much debate, tears and arguing with myself (I like arguing with me, I always win)  I decided I was going to give them a jingle.  I was scared, I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I knew I had to do something.  I put myself in their shoes and realized how crappy they must feel.  How stressed they must be and how sad they must feel.  I bribed the kids and hid the Ramen Noodles and snuck into a quiet space.  Then I just sat there… and sat there… and cried some more.  I realized that I was bigger then the grief monster and that they needed to hear “It was really an accident” 

So I dialed.  I comfirmed their names to make sure I wasn’t harrassing some unsuspecting person.  I was speaking to the wife, who was also in the accident.  I introduced myself, and she was nervous.  I asked after her and her husband’s health.  I had heard that they had no injuries.  They were both fully recovered.  I reassured her that it was an accident, and that I did not blame them.  We talked a bit about the roads that day.  She asked about me and the kids.  She told me that she thinks of us often.  She said “thank you for calling” over and over again.  She sounded teary.  I asked if I could call her back and get more details about the accident at a later time.  She said it would be fine.  She was very grateful I called. 

I was very grateful I called.

22 responses to “I made a difference in someones day

  1. What courage it took for your to dial that phone! I am so proud of you. I know it wasn’t easy, but you are slowly taking steps to begin to rebuild your life. I am sure they were grateful to hear from you as I’m sure they are consumed by this in their own way. You are doing a great job of moving forward, and know there are others who are there for your anytime you need a little help. Hange in there, one day at a time!

  2. Laura, that was so courageous of you. Wow! I’m in tears my friend.
    Love, Jen

  3. Your bravery jusy made a difference in my day!

  4. I agree with the other comments before mine, how very strong, brave, and healing this is for you and them. I don’t know if I would have been as strong. Still thinking and praying for you often.

  5. i read you through bloglines on a regular basis. I rarely say anything as i never know the right words. You did make such a difference for someone. I think your an amazing woman. You have been and will be in my thoughts and prayers

  6. You are so damn brave.

    Really, you amaze me.

  7. You’ve got balls baby.

  8. Honestly I cannot believe how amazing you are! I wish I was half as brave as you. And not just that..how NICE you are to worry about what they were feeling. You rock Laura!

  9. Wow Laura!
    How truely courageous of you, and not to mention kind.
    The other people in the accident , I have known all my life, I know the whole thing had them deeply saddened and what you did definately made a difference to them, not just in their day, but their lives, and somewhere, somehow, im sure this may also make a difference in yours.
    Truely amazing you are!
    Keep on the road to healing.

  10. How beautiful. You are stronger than you realize. That was so generous and kind of you. I don’t know what else to say, but wow. You did an awesome thing.

  11. Laura,
    I’m diane hb from the widow board. Just had to say I wish I was as brave as you. I don’t think the other driver involved in my husbands accident would want to hear from me though. The accident report quoted her as saying she hoped my husband would die because it was his fault…
    You are much stronger than I.
    God bless you.

  12. That took a lot of courage. And a big heart.

  13. Came over from Moosh…I don’t know you, but I am nearly speechless. Your bravery is an amazing example to us all. Your title said you “made a difference in someones day”. I must say you’ve helped far more than just one person. You’ve helped anyone who reads this. Because of your story, I will strive each day to be a little more brave, and do the right thing. Even when it’s tough. Your children are so lucky to have you as their mother.

  14. You are the definition of courage, lady.

  15. You are incredibly courageous. Your strength of character and generous spirit at this time is an indication that you will heal and eventually be able to move past this horrible tragedy. Your children are very lucky to have you. Please stay strong, as much as you can, day to day. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

  16. Wow, Laura, that was so brave of you to make that call. You must have eased her mind so much. In your all consuming grief you could still empathize and know what hell they must be going through, having been involved in an accident that caused another person’s death. What a courageous, wonderfully kind thing to do. I am so proud of you and so proud to be your friend.

  17. Hey I have been lurking from moosh in indy’s page, just a question do you live in sudbury? thats where my family is from

  18. I found you via Moosh. I read through many of your blog posts from the last few months. I do not know you and yet I found myself crying as I read your story. All day I have found myself coming back to it. It reminds me to be thankful for what I have been blessed with and to never take it for granted. Thank you for sharing your happiness and your heartache. It’s beautifully written and I think you’ve probably made a difference in more people’s day than you think.

  19. Came by way of Moosh…and wow. It must have taken incredibly strength.
    I’m in awe!

  20. Still reading and keeping you in my heart daily but commenting rarely. This is a day and an experience that can’t be passed by without a word of how brave and generous that was for you to make that call. I too am very proud to have you for my friend. You have taught me much about gratitude, blessings, and love.


  21. I don’t think I could have been that strong. How amazing are you?

    They’ll remember you forever I think…

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